They are a group of upcoming singers, comprising four guys and four ladies. The band first started with only four members, then with time, the number went up to eight. Some of them are very talented singers, with one focused on rapping, while the others focus on playing the instruments. They travel to different cities all the time to their small group of fans.



    She is perhaps the best singer and also one of the four founding members of the group. The other three being her twin brother
    Aeja, and two others. She writes many of the group’s songs and they all regard her as the leader. Deja does not let this get to her head, as she is very humble and always tries as much as possible to seek everyone’s opinions before taking any decisions. Her favorite instrument is the guitar, although she doesn’t really know how to play one.



    Deja’s twin brother and the only rapper in the Danky Doodle. He is a cool guy who doesn’t talk much, except when he really has to. He has a small note which he always takes around with him because he draws inspiration for his rap lyrics from his environment. He has a crush on Jazmin, another member of the group, and although it is unlike him to be shy, he still
    hasn’t figured out a way to make his feelings known to her.



    Jazmin brings life to the group. She has a very loving personality and gets along well with every member of the group. Her sweet voice and dancing skill makes her very valuable. She has noticed that Aeja has a crush on her but can’t seem to figure out what’s stopping him from telling her.
    She has decided to keep playing along until he finally has the balls to open up to her. Until then, she’d just enjoy her time in the band and have as much fun with
    the other guys as she can.



    Flick is the oldest member and the rider of the band; he doesn’t do much in the group, but his mere presence is a boost to the band’s morale, and he’s always there to quench the fire whenever there’s an issue or dispute among members of the band. Notwithstanding being the smallest in size, Flick is an adrenaline junkie, but he is also hypersomniac; this means that
    whenever the band is not performing, you’ll either find him sleeping or trying to perform some daredevil stunt.



    Another founding member of the Danky Doodles. He lives
    in the same neighborhood as Deja and Aeja, and he would watch them every afternoon rehearsing their songs. He had initially thought they would be proud and arrogant, so he was really hesitant to approach them. One afternoon, he summoned up courage to walk up to them and it was then he realized one should
    really never judge a book by its cover. They were very nice towards him and before long, he started beating drums and making beats for their songs.



    He has a deep voice and some people have attributed this to the fact that he smokes a lot. Whatever the cause, the Donky Doodles are happy to have him among them, as his voice adds another dimension to their music. Even though the band is not among the most popular in Bannica, they still have their own fans across several cities and Willo uses this popularity to score points among the ladies. Aeja isn’t in support of this behavior but she has learnt to just overlook it.



    Kris’ story is quite funny. He was the last member to join the band. He was so obsessed with the Danky Doodles that he followed them on every tour and performances across different cities. He was a singer himself and he wanted so badly to become one of them. Aeja noticed he was present at several of their performances and decided if he came to the next one, she would grant him an audience. Sure enough, he was right there at the next concert and he was given the opportunity to perform before the band. He blew their minds
    and he was immediately added to the band.



    Callie is the drummer of the band. She’s extremely great with the beats and even manages to have her own set of fans who are obsessed with her. Callie’s favorite part of being in the Danky Doodles is that she gets to travel to different cities. While growing up, she had imagined what it was like in all those cities she could only hear about, and now she gets to witness them herself.